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Camera repair

Camera repair


During a visit to Ibiza, when we were filming for the "Lights Out 2" project, the camera took a hard hit that popped off the fish eye and the front part where it was hooked up. A quick fix was made to be able to continue shooting but later the front part of the camera had to be replaced.

Past Lives

Past Lives


Edit made with the last unused footage from 2018-2021, originally it was going to be part of a collaborative audiovisual project that was finally cancelled, so I upload it independently.

Lights Out 2, The Extras

Lights Out 2, The Extras


Extra video included in the "Lights Out 2" DVD. It is edited with leftover footage from the main video.

Lights Out 2

Lights Out 2


Three years of filming have resulted in this 33-minute video of pure skateboarding. This is the second part of the "Lights Out" saga, 11 years after the first one.

It features individual parts from Andrés Moral, Aitor López, Pitu Panés, Miki Jaume and Miguel Urbina, but there are also appearances from Ian Waelder, Lolo Cosmelli and many others.

Lights Out 2 Trailer

Lights Out 2 Trailer


Eleven years have passed since the premiere of "Lights Out", and now comes its second part "Lights Out 2", the new video from Arrovf Media.

In it, we will see Andrés Moral, Aitor López, Pitu Panés, Miki Jaume, Miguel Urbina, and many more.

The premiere is scheduled for October 30, 2021 in Palma de Mallorca.


Jose Luis Ouzande for Boardy Cakes

Jose Luis Ouzande for Boardy Cakes, skate video

Jose's presentation for Boardy Cakes

Camera repair

Camera repair, skate video

Replacing the front of the camera that was blown off

Past Lives

Past Lives, skate video

Video with unused footage from 2018-2021

Lights Out 2, The Extras

Lights Out 2, The Extras, skate video

Video edited with unused footage from "Lights Out 2"

Lights Out 2

Lights Out 2, skate video

Full-length skate video, the result of 3 years of work
