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Displaying videos: Federico Gómez

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Sa Feixina Reborn

Sa Feixina Reborn


First Arrovf Media long video.

Its duration is 42 minutes and it shows:
Alberto Roldán, Fernando Medina, Miguel Pérez, Alejandro Arroyo, Mounir Boutaour, Pelayo Ruiz, Miki Jaume, Lolo Cosmelli, Ángel Caamaño, Carlos Albendea and many more.

Footage of 2004 and 2005.


Jose Luis Ouzande for Boardy Cakes

Jose Luis Ouzande for Boardy Cakes, skate video

Jose's presentation for Boardy Cakes

Camera repair

Camera repair, skate video

Replacing the front of the camera that was blown off

Past Lives

Past Lives, skate video

Video with unused footage from 2018-2021

Lights Out 2, The Extras

Lights Out 2, The Extras, skate video

Video edited with unused footage from "Lights Out 2"

Lights Out 2

Lights Out 2, skate video

Full-length skate video, the result of 3 years of work
